Free Download: Your Confident Self Breast Exam Guide


 The Breast Empowerment Collective. 

A Breast Health Course & Community. 




Did You Know Globally Every 1 in 8 Women Are Diagnosed With Breast Cancer?

Hi, I'm Jeanette Carbajal! I am a leading global cancer coach who helps empower people on their healing journey.

I have worked with breast cancer patients over the past five years and have found the lifestyle changes that support their overall healing journey.

I have gathered some of the best breast cancer professionals to help educate and empower you to achieve amazing breast health.

Each month, a new guest expert will release a new breast health educational aspect. And we will hold a monthly self breast examination, a monthly Q&A, and workshops to keep you focused on your healing mindset.

I want to you to join me today in our mission to combat the stigma around breast cancer, breast health, and create a vibrant future for any person who has a breast.

Don't Wait For a Diagnosis. Take Control Of Your Breast Today.

Understanding breast health minimizes your chance of being 1 in 8.

The Breast Empowerment Project is your GO-TO place for all your Breast Health Tips, Support, and Community Conversations.

Currently, 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.

Taking the steps to know what contributes to breast cancer and how to have beautiful breast health.

Our desire is to help you know your own breasts better than your doctor does.


When advocating for you and your breasts,

Remember, you have "Woman's Intuition" on your side! 

(Take this as a sign from the universe if you've been thinking about your breasts).

So please take advantage to understand your breast health and keep your breast health in check. 

Please invite people who have breasts to ask questions and get ready for The Breast Empowerment Project to change your life!

This community is all about how to prevent becoming 1 in 8.

1 in 8, NOT TODAY!!


Join the movement of taking back control and understanding our breast health.

Each module features experts from around the world to help you achieve optimal breast health.

You'll have expert training videos, interactive workbooks, mindfulness practices, and more!


Some of the features include:

  • How to build connective healing processes.
  • How to monitor your breast health.
  • Herbs that promote optimal breast function.
  • Breast healing prayers.
  • Daily breast hygiene that supports healthy breasts.
  • Insights from experts about the controversial bra underwire.
  • The Confident Self Breast Exam downloadable guide: to help you track changes in your breast health.
  • Get access to the private, exclusive Facebook community where we support each other in understanding and implementing breast health in our daily lives.  
  • Get access to exclusive information and professional interviews and new breast related health tips.
  • And more!


By signing up today you're getting access to these training videos, interviews interactive workbooks, and materials. 

The Breast Empowerment Project is valued at $97. Yours for $11 USD monthly membership. 

Yes. I'm In!


Together, we forge a community to support those with breasts.

Join The Breast Empowerment Project today!

Special thank you to The Breast Empowerment Project model Lara Raybone and Branding Photographer Bry Penney.